THURSDAY 6th MARCH 2014 AT 7.30pm
Draft to be approved on 3rd April 2014
Cllr S. Pritchard (chairman) Cllr Mrs C. Roberts (vice chairman)
Cllr Mrs A. Jenkin Cllr Mrs G. Burlton
Cllr. M. Scoble Cllr R. Matthews
Cllr C. Bone Cllr G. Tanner
Cllr S. Bates Cllr V. Peake
Cllr I. Phillips Cllr H. Eddy
Cornwall Cllrs W.Maddern
Clerk, Mr W.E. Wilkins and one member of the public
PC Thomas
2. Acceptance of Minutes
The minutes of the Ordinary Parish Council Meeting held at Trythall, CP School on Thursday 6th February 2014 were unanimously accepted
3. Declarations of Interest
Cllr Phillips – item 10 Planning – PA14/01854 at Boscreege Farm as a neighbour
Cllr Pritchard – item 16, Reports in Madron Column of The Cornishman Newspaper due to contacts to and from the correspondent
4. Dispensations
Cllrs Burlton and Bates – item 15 as members of Madron Playing Field Committee
5. Public Participation
6. Police Report
In the absence of police officers the clerk gave the report for February 2014. There was one reported crime during the month as opposed to seven for the same period last year. This was AP351/14 relating to a gate being slammed causing damage to the latch at a property in Madron.
Clerk reported that Mr Tony Hogg, the Police and Crime Commissioner for Devon and Cornwall will be holding a surgery from 9.30am to 2pm on Friday 14th March at Cornwall Council, New County Hall, Truro. Members of the public can book a 20 minute slot for questions by contacting 01392.225555 or on [email protected] stating name and preferred contact details and a short overview of the topic you wish to discuss. Spaces will be allocated on a first come first served basis.
In view of the need to book early clerk has booked a place for Cllr Pritchard to attend at 10am on that day with a half hour slot to question the lack of police officers involved in core policing from the 3000 officers in the force.
Mr Hogg and the Chief Constable of Devon and Cornwall Police will hold an open public meeting at 7pm on Wednesday 26th March 2014 at Pool Innovation Centre, Trevenson Road, Redruth when the subject will be ‘Reducing crime and the harm caused by the misuse of alcohol. Posters for this event will be displayed on the two notice boards in Madron and at New Mill, Badgers Cross and St Maddern Church.
7. Chairman’s Comments
Cllr Pritchard reported receiving a letter from Mrs Meyers of the Women’s Institute stating that she had been told she could not have W.I. notices posted on Madron notice boards. He has confirmed with Cllr Scoble that relevant notices are being posted on boards and he had also contacted Mrs Meyers to say that she had been misinformed and that notices will be allowed on parish council boards until the’ Well-wishers’ have provided the community board which they are in the process of arranging
8. Councillors Questions and Comments
Cllr Tanner referred to a circulation from the clerk concerning EU recommendations that councils will cease to have the right to claim back VAT and there is a consultation period until 25th April 2015. It was proposed by Cllr Tanner, seconded by Cllr Roberts that the clerk should register the objection by this council to this recommendation. This was agreed.
Cllr Roberts informed members of her concerns about hedge cutting at Greens Lane End on the Trevaylor Road on land owned by Mr Wallis as the trees were hanging over the road forcing lorries to drive into the middle of the road. The clerk was instructed to contact Highways concerning this danger.
Cllr Peake reported that there was flooding still in Gear Lane near to Gear Barn. Clerk to inform Highways.
Cllr Scoble was concerned about excess spending by Cornwall Council at Heartlands at Pool where it has been reported that £35 million has been invested. This project has been under used and it was estimated that £200,000 would be taken at the shop last year and the true figure was only £20,000. Cornwall Cllr Maddern agreed to take this and other examples of badly judged spending such as the investment into the Eden Project, to New County Hall. He will also bring it to the attention of the next Town and Parish Forum as he was in complete agreement with the comments made. Cllr Jenkin pointed out that there were nine gardeners working on the flower beds at County Hall when she was there last week but Cornwall Cllr Maddern was of the opinion that they were parks and gardens staff who work around the county. Cornwall Cllr Maddern was also attempting to have Cornwall Council reduce the use of so many consultants.
9. Comments from Cornwall Councillors
Cornwall Cllr Maddern informed the meeting that there were problems with the emptying of bins and in some cases their removal. He was trying to have this situation remedied. He also reported that there appeared to be a stepping back on the idea to reduce the maintenance of side roads after various objections. There has still been no speed check on Madron Hill but this is now done by a private company and is on the schedule to be done at some stage.
10. Planning
PA14/01366 – various tree works along the roadside at Trevaylor Nursing Home, New Mill – supported
PA14/01110 – extension and refurbishment of cricket pavilion at Gulval Cricket Club, Gulval – supported
PA14/01854 – erection of an agricultural building at Boscreege Farm, Gulval – (Cllr Phillips declared an interest) supported
PA13/11251 and 11254 – listed building consent for internal ground floor alterations at both Trevaylor Manor and The Coach House and construction of a glazed link between the two buildings – approved
PA14/00049 – replacement buildings to create kitchen and utility extension with balcony above at Kenegie Lodge, Gulval –approved.
There were no other Planning Matters
11. Public Rights of Way
Cornwall Council made a Modification of Definitive Map Order on 10th May 2013 to upgrade the footpath to a bridleway with the addition of a bridleway at Mulfra Hill, Madron. After taking legal advice Cornwall Council have re-advertised this for procedural reasons and notice is given of this order. Clerk reminded members that this was put before this council in June 2013 when this council asked for a safety assessment due to the uneven surface and narrowness of the path. Cllr Tanner has walked the path and no action has been taken..
Clerk was instructed to contact Cornwall Council again to ask that when this Order is made a safety check should be made.
Cornwall Council is extending the closure at all times of bridleway 55 until 1st September 2014 due to erosion. The original closure was until 28th February 2014 but this has been extended. Cllr Tanner informed the meeting that he has contacted Dan Senior at County and Cormac will be doing the necessary work.
Cornwall Council has offered £3847.00 for the Local Maintenance Project this year which is the same as last year, which in the present climate is very satisfactory.
It was proposed by Cllr Jenkin, seconded by Cllr Roberts and unanimously agreed that the clerk should inform Cornwall Council that this offer is accepted.
Clerk has also contacted Cllrs Tanner and Burlton as public rights of way councillors and they agree that the contractors who have completed the path maintenance for the last few years have done satisfactory work and they recommend that they again been offered the contract. Clerk has contacted the contractors and they are still in business and will be happy to continue with this work. It was therefore proposed by Cllr Bone, seconded by Cllr Peake and unanimously agreed that the clerk should write to confirm this and to obtain copies of the relevant public indemnity insurance from the contractors and to confirm that the gold paths be cut in June and September and the silver paths at the beginning of July.
12. Clerk’s Report and Correspondence
Clerk reported that all instructions from the last meeting have been completed. He was awaiting a reply from Devon and Cornwall Housing for a representative of this council to accompany them on their check of Madron as Cllr Bates emphasised that there was a real need to consider using the island at the end of Trelawney Estate for parking. Access for emergency vehicles, if required would be impeded due to parked vehicles along the road.
CALC ‘This Week’ issue 2 and associated papers have been forwarded to councillors by email.
Cornwall Council invitation to take place in phase 2 of Review of Children’s Health and Wellbeing Services with workshops at Truro and Bodmin have a also been circulated by email.
Cornwall Council Localism and Devolution Information Bulletin of 6th February 2014 has also been circulated by email.
Also circulated to councillors is an invitation to this council from Campaign to Protect Rural England to join their organisation for a fee of £239 annually – noted
The Rural Sounding Board have issued an invitation by email to councils to nominate one member to complete on line surveys. Cllr Eddy agreed to take on this responsibility – clerk to ensure he has details..
Andrew George MP has informed councils that Brandon Lewis MP from Department for Communities and Local Government has informed him that the capping of income from council tax will only apply to larger councils.
The next Joint West Penwith Town and Parish Community Forum and Hayle and St Ives Community Network Panel will take Place on Thursday 20th March at St Johns Hall, Penzance. The agenda and notes from the previous meeting in relation to transport services have all been circulated by email. There will be discussions on the transport and bus service issues, mobile library consultation and the Penwith Pioneer Project by the Chief Executive of Age UK Cornwall. Cllr Scoble will be away and unable to attend so Cllr Roberts agreed to accompany the chairman and clerk
Cornwall AONB Conference – 10am-2pm Saturday 22nd March 2014 at Duchy College, Stoke Clinsland, Callington – places still available. Noted
13. Application to Register Waste Land of the Manor as Common Land
Details of this application by ‘Save Penwith Moors’ to register land at Carn Downs as common land have been circulated by email. The land owners, KP and HL Rowe of London, JA Boyns of Pendeen, the occupier of Kerrow Farm and the National Trust have had notices served on them. Strong concerns were raised, particularly by Cllrs Bone and Jenkin, and it was agreed that Cllr Bone draw up a list of reasons to object and present them to the nxt meeting in order that a formal objection can be submitted before the closing date.
14. Local Audit and Accountability Act – (policy consultation)
Openess of Local Government Bodies Draft Regulations
Clerk reported that any comments in relation to these regulations should be submitted by 12 noon on Monday 10th March. He is satisfied that the basic regulations are in place concerning this council but he has had one item of concern from Cllr Scoble. Cllr Scoble stated that he objects the use of any filming or photographing of meetings as he feels that this is open to abuse by editing and misrepresenting the meeting. It was proposed by Cllr Scoble, seconded by Cllr Tanner and unanimously agreed that the clerk should register the concerns of this council to [email protected]
15. Finance
It was proposed by Cllr Burlton, seconded by Cllr Matthews, and unanimously agreed that the following accounts be paid; – W.E. Wilkins, clerk – salary £542.16, office allowance £30.00, mileage £9.90, disbursements £146.74; HMRC – PAYE and Nat Ins £140.67; Aqua Rod – clear drain on The Green £72.00; Madron Playing Field Committee – match funding for money raised in 2013 £367.39; Information Commissioner, Data Protection (not circulated on agenda but recently received with an obligation to pay before 2nd April 2014) £35.00
Clerk informed members that he had approached Mr Gallie and he was prepared to act as internal auditor at the end of the financial year and will also assist with any matter involving the end of the year with HMRC.
It was proposed by Cllr Jenkin, seconded by Cllr Peake, and unanimously agreed that Mr Gallie be appointed as internal auditor for this financial year.
The clerk advised members that this was the last meeting of the financial year and he has collated the requests for donations which had been received during the year.He reported that all budgeted finances for this purpose had been used but there were sufficient funds, as can be seen from the rear of the agenda, to donate where considered appropriate.
It was proposed by Cllr Bates, seconded by Cllr Peake, and unanimously that in pursuance of the powers conferred by section 137 of the Local Government Act 1972 and being of the opinion that the expenditure satisfies the requirements of that section, the council approves the payments to Cornwall Blind Association (£100.00), Cornwall Air Ambulance (£100.00), Jubilee Sailing Trust (£50.00), Cruse Bereavement Care (£50.00), Victim Support Cornwall (£100.00). In addition to this a grant of £200.00 be paid to 1st Madron Brownies (Section 145 Local Government Act 1972)
16. Reports in Madron Column of The Cornishman Newspaper
It was proposed by Cllr Mathews, seconded by Cllr Jenkin and unanimously agreed that the press and public should be excluded from the meeting whilst this item is discussed on the grounds that it may disclose exempt information in accordance with Part 1A, Schedule 12 of The Local Government Act 1972. (Cllr Pritchard left the meeting at this point) Clerk circulated to all members copies of email statements made by Miss Christopher and Cllr Pritchard. Clerk informed members that he had taken legal advice on this matter and it is in the best interests of the council and all parties that this matter be noted only, but if any further developments occur it can be brought back to this council. It was proposed by Cllr Scoble, seconded by Cllr Tanner and unanimously agreed that this advice be accepted.
17. Time and Date of Next Meeting
7.30pm, Thursday 3rd April 2014 at Trythall CP School.