THURSDAY 1st OCTOBER 2015 AT 7.30pm
Draft to be confirmed on 5th November 2015
Cllr V. Peake (vice chairman) Cllr Mrs A. Jenkin
Cllr Mrs G. Burlton Cllr S. Pritchard Cllr. M. Scoble Cllr G. Tanner
Cllr H. Eddy Cllr C. Bone
Cllr R. Matthews Cllr I. Phillips
Cornwall Cllr R Mann
Clerk, Mr W.E. Wilkins and 2 members of the public
Cllrs Roberts and Bates, Cornwall Cllr Maddern and PC Thomas.
Clerk informed members that Cllr Maddern was very ill and would be seeing a specialist on the Monday after this meeting.
2. Acceptance of Minutes
The minutes of the Ordinary Parish Council Meeting held at Madron Community Rooms on 3rd September 2015 were unanimously accepted after an amendment was made at the end of item 11 on page 43/15 from Cllr Scoble saying ‘it would be more satisfactory if Cornwall Council supplied the projector’ to ‘Cllr Scoble thought we should ask Cornwall Council what projector they would recommend.’
3. Declarations of Interest
Cllr Eddy – item 10 Other Planning Matters in relation to PA14/1092 at Slight Hill, Heamoor, as a neighbour.
4. Dispensations
5. Public Participation
Mr Dan Newberry, as the applicant for the temporary caravan at Slight Hill, Heamoor, (PA14/1092) asked for clarification of this council’s views on his planning application which may go to a public enquiry. He was informed that this would be discussed at a later point in the meeting
6. Police Report
In the absence of PC Thomas, the clerk gave the police report for September. There have been four crimes reported as opposed to one in the same month last year.
Between 3rd and 4th a car parked in Aldreath Road allegedly had nails inserted into one tyre; on 17th a caravan parked in a layby at Badgers Cross was broken into and items stolen; on 24th following a road traffic collision at Madron a man was arrested for drink -driving and was later charged; on 27th At Gulval Cricket Club a wallet was stolen from an insecure vehicle.
PC Thomas expressed to the clerk his thanks to this council for recent assistance regarding dangers and security at Madron Meat Site. On 29th September he conducted a joint visit with Ricky Williams from Cornwall Council Environmental Health Department. Ricky Williams agreed that the site is dangerous. Mr Williams will write to the owner of the premises with a list of essential actions including securing the site, blocking off the access points being used by youths and erecting suitable warning signs. If the owner fails to comply, Environmental Dept. has the necessary powers to do the work and charge the owner. He will update with any progress or lack of section and let this council know how things are developing.
Having carried out this joint visit PC Thomas feels confident that Ricky Williams and his team will solve this matter relatively quickly compared to his previous efforts to get things done through other departments.
7. Chairman’s Comments
Vice Chairman Cllr Peake, standing in for Cllr Roberts, reported that he attended the Localism Summit at Truro on 30th September with Cllrs Jenkin, Scoble and the clerk.
8. Councillors’ Questions and Comments
Cllr Scoble reported that the gardener had commenced clearing the garden at the edge of The Green. This council had also agreed to pay the gardener £100 to cut the side by The Green and take away the cuttings. However Cllr Scoble was in possession of a photograph of the hedge taken many years ago when the hedge was cut down much lower and it gave a lovely view over the Memorial Garden and down to the sea. Councillors looked at the photograph and agreed how much better it looked. Cllr Scoble had approached the gardener for a price to lower the hedge by about four feet and he was quoted a further £100. Landithy Hall Managers have agreed to subscribe £50 if this council would pay the remaining £50, which would mean that this council would pay a total of £150 for all of the work. Cllr Bone proposed that this quote be accepted and this was seconded by Cllr Burlton and unanimously agreed. Cllr Scoble will laisse with the gardener
9. Comments from Cornwall Councillors
Cornwall Cllr Mann said there was little to report from Cornwall Council but elements of Penzance Town Council were involving themselves with the finances from the sale of Poltair Hospital, although the hospital is in Madron Parish, but not informing Madron Parish Council.
10. Planning
PA15/08782 – deviating an 11kv line at Trengwainton Home Farm, Madron . Clerk reported that this application appeared on Cornwall Council’s weekly list to clerks, but no plans have been received. He has contacted the planning officer concerned and it would appear that no comments from parish level are required in this matter.
Other Planning Matters
PA14/1092 – notice of appeal against temporary permission for the retention of a static caravan for use as an agricultural worker’s dwelling at Slight Hill, Heamoor (Cllr Eddy declared an interest and left the room). Cllr Tanner commented that there have been two applications in respect of this premises. In respect of this one it was decided that in view of the Planning Inspectors report this council supports temporary permission in order to give applicants the opportunity to prove viability. The time scale would be in the region of three years and so far there have been no objections from the public. Clerk was instructed to forward this latest comment to the Senior Development Support Officer at the Cornwall Council Enterprise Service and the Planning Inspectorate at Bristol. A public enquiry will be held at a future date to be confirmed.
PA15/01156 – notice of appeal against enforcement notice for refusal of permission for the erection of a dwelling house situated within an existing agricultural building and material change of use of an agricultural building to a mixed use as an agricultural building and dwelling house on land SSE of Lower Bosulval Farm, New Mill. Clerk reminded councillors that this council objected to the original application – noted
Clerk reported that six councillors (Cllrs Roberts, Peake Scoble, Jenkin, Tanner and Eddy) had elected to attend a Planning Conference at Heartlands, Camborne from 4pm to 8pm on Thursday 15th October 2015 with him. The cost was £10 per head. It was proposed by CllrPritchard, seconded by Cllr Jenkin and unanimously agreed that the payment should be made. After the meeting councillors attending will decide which workshop they wish to attend without duplication where possible.
11. Public Rights of Way
Cllr Tanner reported that the final cut of the scheduled gold paths had been completed and all are in order. He also reported that the additional cut of path 3, which was not on Cornwall Council schedule, had also been completed after it had been requested and approved (minute 13 on 6th August 2015) that this should be done. It was recommended that payment should be made when the work is completed and invoice received, which is now the case as is shown in the finance section of this meeting
Cllr Tanner also had a request from a Mr Adam Cosgrove concerning moving his cattle to another field at the top of Break my Neck Lane and Cllr Tanner, after confirming with Cornwall Council, had informed him that the security of the field was his responsibility.
12. Clerk’s Report and Correspondence
Clerk reported that all instructions from the last meeting had been completed
Assistance has been given to PC Thomas regarding Madron Meat Site as explained in the police report.
Cornwall Council has now adopted a policy of Cabinet Members being subject of criminal record checks. The obvious worry is dealing with children as well as dishonesty. They suggest that councils may wish to make similar checks on councillors, but this is certainly not mandatory. It was proposed by Cllr Pritchard, seconded by Cllr Scoble and unanimously agreed that there is no current need for this policy to be adopted by this council.
The wreath for Remembrance Sunday is available at Heamoor British Legion Club for collection. Best time is Saturday mornings to see Keith Williams, the organiser. Cllr Pritchard agreed to collect the wreath which the chairman will lay at the Remembrance Service.
13. Neighbourhood Plan for Madron Parish
As the chairman was unable to be present at this meeting, the clerk read out a statement from her. She has given great thought to a Neighbourhood Plan and she believes that we should hold a consultation event, possibly involving James Hardy, the West Cornwall Community Liaison Officer for Cornwall Council, so that the public can give their views on the subject as we are elected to serve the villagers. The public will be able to see the amount of time and money involved and whether they are interested enough to be a part of the committee involving the consultation. She feels strongly that the Parish Council should not be the sole controllers of this, but the facilitators of this process. However she worries that any plan can be overturned by the Secretary of State. The clerk reminded members that James Hardy had attended this council meeting on 6th August in which he emphasised the work and expense involved and the necessary commitment of the public to be active and involved in the process. Clerk handed out a copy of the relevant minute from the meeting. He had discussed Neighbourhood Plans with other clerks and in parishes where there were threats of planning intrusions the plans were progressing but there were warnings that plans can take two years to complete and the cost in some cases can be up to £30,000 if this includes paying for a collator and worker involved in the process. Cllr Pritchard, like other councillors, were concerned about future encroachment by Penzance into this parish area and Cornwall Cllr Mann pointed out that a smaller plan could be made to cover essential worries. It was agreed by councillors that two meetings would have to be arranged, one in Madron and one in New Mill which would have to be well advertised to allow the public to understand neighbourhood plans with time scales, costs and public involvement.
The clerk was instructed to talk to the clerk at Ludgvan as they had commenced a plan and also take further advice from James Walker the Community Link Liaison officer for Cornwall Council. An update should be given to the next meeting with a view to holding the public meetings after Christmas.
14. Road Signs and Finger Posts in New Mill Area
Clerk reported that the chairman had received a request from members of the public for them to paint the finger post at Lower Ninnis/Trythall intersection. Cornwall Cllr Mann suggested that the clerk should email Mike Peters of Cornwall Highways as a matter of courtesy. On previous occasions there had been no problems providing the volunteers had taking proper safety precautions. It was proposed by Cllr Eddy, seconded by Cllr Matthews and unanimously agreed that permission should be given subject to agreement by Highways.
Cllr Tanner suggested that there should be a rolling policy in refurbishing signs on an annual basis and this will be discussed after approval is given after the present request is completed
15. Paperless Planning
Clerk has circulated emails on this subject to councillors. In addition to this James Hardy, the West Penwith Community Liaison Officer, commented on the proposals at a meeting of this council on 6th August 2015. Since then there have been more emails in which Cornwall Council are offering £700 to parish councils to assist with extra finances involved, training courses for clerks and councillors and an offer to put back the date for commencing electronic applications until 1st April 2016. On the other side of the coin, mails have been received from some councils advising all to refuse the £700 until a proper consultation has been completed as they feel that Cornwall Council’s estimate of savings do not add up. At The Localism Summit at Truro on 30th September it was made clear that paperless planning was going to happen and Sarah Mason from CALC advised the clerk to write to ensure that we wait until April before accepting the scheme. This would ensure that training would have been given to clerks and councillors prior to commencing the changeover. It was emphasised that training would be necessary for councillors as well as clerks. Also Cornwall Council will give advice in what projectors, etc. are best to buy. It was proposed by Cllr Jenkin, seconded by Cllr Burlton that clerk should write to Cornwall Council to ensure that the start should commence on 1st April 2016.
Earlier on the day of the meeting the clerk had received an email advising that training would take place from 6pm to 8pm on Thursday 26th November at Penwith College and Cllrs Pritchard, Peake, Burlton, Jenkin, Tanner, Eddy and the clerk agreed to attend with the clerk and also Cllr Roberts who was absent from this meeting was likely to agree to be present. Cllr Scoble was unavailable to attend this event and so opted to attend the training at Chasewater on 29th October. Clerk was instructed to book places.
16. Trafalgar Celebration and Nelson Memorial Service and Parade, 18th October.
Clerk reported that arrangements are all up to date. He has arranged for road closures and the placing of cones for the parade route and the necessary liaison with the Commanding Officer at RNAS Culdrose and his staff. 70 invitations have been sent out and the postage is included in the finance section of this meeting. Replies will be collated and forwarded to Cllr Jenkin for the benefit of Church Wardens for seating arrangements. Notices have been prepared for delivering to residents asking that no cars are parked on the route. Clerk has contacted D.A. Giles asking them to ensure that a lorry left overnight on The Green is not left there over the Trafalgar weekend. (It was later found that this vehicle was a Cormac vehicle and clerk will make the contact). Cllr Scoble has agreed to deliver the notices prepared by the clerk.. Police have asked for support and assistance if necessary and two PCSOs have been earmarked to be present. The following requirements are also needed. A councillor appointed to check the route for parked cars prior to the parade, stewarding at the junction with Fore Street and Trelawney Estate and at the top of Madron Hill. Cllr Pritchard agreed to check the route, Cllr Bates to hold traffic at Trelawney Estate/Fore Street and Cllr Peake at the top of Madron Hill.
Cllrs Peake, Jenkin, Pritchard, Matthews Burlton and Tanner agreed to attend the service with Cllr Roberts as chairman and the clerk.
17. West Penwith Community Network Panel (forum) 17th September 2015
The above forum was attended by Cllrs Jenkin and Scoble and the clerk representing this council. Cornwall Cllr Maddern was re-elected chairman and Cllr Nicholas was his vice-chairman. The majority of the meeting was then directed at comments relating to the visit of The Police and Crime Commissioner’s visit to the last forum. At the conclusion Cllr McKenna announced that in the region of £35,000 could be available for extra projects from Cornwall Council and the funds from the sale of Poltair Hospital will stay in Cornwall for use in health matters.
18. Cornwall Council Third Localism Summit on 30th September 2015
This was attended by Cllrs Peake, Jenkin and Scoble with the clerk. Cllr Jenkin reported that Cornwall Council had 50% government assistance in 2010 but by 2020 there will be none and all funding will have to be raised from business tax, council tax, and other items. It can be seen already that library funding has been cut from £5 million to £1.8 million and plans are afoot to transfer other responsibilities to parish and town councils. However Cornwall is the only county in England to have a devolvement package with ring-fencing for health, transport and various other items, so there is a large degree of sympathy for the cuts that are having to be made. Cllr Pritchard hoped that this would result in better consultation with more access being available to the people involved in services. There were various stands at the meeting and Cllr Scoble had taken the opportunity to have discussions with Cornwall Playing Fields about the playing field being able to obtain funding and he will pass this information on to Cllr Burlton, Connie Strowger from Playing Field Committee and Rev. Tim Hawkins as treasurer. Clerk added that there was a valuable opportunity to talk to clerks and councillors from other councils and exchange views with matters concerning all. There has been an email on 29th September updating Devolution Progress and this has been emailed to councillors by email.
19. Finance
It was proposed by Cllr Burlton, seconded by Cllr Jenkin and unanimously agreed that the following payments be made. W.E. Wilkins, clerk – salary £640.61, office allowance £30.00, mileage £29.70, petty cash which includes renewal of Kaspersky internet security £44.99 and Trafalgar postage £75.60, £152.08; HMRC – PAYE and Nat Ins £177.20; A. Clemens – 2nd cut of gold paths £640.00 and extra cut of footpath 3 £30.00; N. Prowse – 2nd cut of gold paths £640.00 and extra cut of footpath 3 as agreed in minute 13, 6.8.15 on page 36/15, £30.00. Clerk reminded members that the cut of the gold paths will be reclaimed from Cornwall Council but the extra cuts on footpath 3 will come from Madron Parish Council funds.
20. Time and Date of Next Meeting
7.30pm, Thursday 5th November 2015 at Madron Community Rooms