Cllr S. Pritchard (chairman) Cllr Mrs A. Jenkin
Cllr Mrs. G.Burlton Cllr. M. Scoble
Cllr R. Matthews Cllr C. Bone
Cllr S. Bates Cllr G. Tanner
Cllr I. Phillips
Cornwall Cllr W.Maddern
Clerk, Mr W.E. Wilkins, and eight members of the public
Cllrs V. Peake, Mrs C.Roberts, Cornwall Cllr R.Mann, PC Thomas
2. Acceptance of Minutes
The minutes of the Ordinary Parish Council Meeting held at Trythall CP School on Thursday 1st August 2013 were unanimously accepted.
3. Declarations of Interest
Item 10 Planning – PA13/07231 at Rosemorron Farm, Gulval – Cllr Bone declared interest as a friend of the applicant and Cllr Phillips as a neighbour
Item 16 Aggregates Levy – Cllr Jenkin declared an interest as a school governor and Cllrs Bone and Scoble as trustees to St Maddern School
4. Dispensations
5.. Public Participation
Mr Eddy referred to planning application PA13/06563, erection of poly-tunnel for housing livestock at Bone Farm, Heamoor as the applicant. He explained that he wished to use the poly-tunnel for lambs as his small business was expanding and there was a need. The tunnel would be clear and safe for the lambs.
Mr John Challenger spoke as a representative of the residents of Polkinghorne to object to planning application PA13/07231 concerning the installation of a wind turbine at Rosemorron Farm, Gulval. A detailed letter had been submitted, which the clerk had attached to the file and emailed to all councillors, expressing objections. Mr Challenger added that there were concerns that allowing a wind turbine in an Area of Outstanding Beauty would open the floodgates to other applications which would ruin the AONB. There were further concerns relating to the danger to wildlife, noise and that there had been no ecological assessment.
Mr Brian Mellor from Polkinghorne Farmhouse commented on the same planning application to the effect that the turbine would be viewed from all round, it was in the wrong place and it was also only 250 meters from his farmhouse.
Mr John Stilwell also commented on this application having produced a detailed paper which had been circulated and added that this could be a profit making concern as opposed to simply providing energy for the dairy farm.
Joanne Bailey from Madron drew the attention of councillors to alleged problems with the hounds from the hunt running wild and causing danger to children riding ponies. The chairman advised her to obtain times when the hounds were being exercised from the secretary of the hunt and put a notice on the boards in the village.
6. Police Report
In the absence of police offices the clerk gave the report for August. There were six reported crimes as opposed to twelve in August 2012. On 2nd – a male was arrested and later cautioned for a public order offence at Gulval; 21st – a juvenile was assaulted by another juvenile in Madron and the matter was dealt with by restorative justice; 25th – the rear lights of a car parked at a camp site in Gulval were smashed; between 25th and 26th – two wheelie bins were set alight at an isolated property near Madron; between 25th and 26th – hub caps were stolen and tyres let down on a German registered car parked in Madron; between 25th and 27th – an ash tree was cut down at Lesingey Round, Tremethick Cross.
Reports of youth anti-social behaviour in Madron remain low.
7. Chairman’s Comments
Cllr Pritchard informed members that he would be absent for the next two months and he particularly asked councillors to support the Trafalgar Sunday celebrations as his vice-chairman is unlikely to be able to attend due to sickness and Cllr Jenkin would also be away.
8. Councillors’ Questions and Comments
Cllr Burlton asked about progress with litter bins as children in the village had organised some litter collecting and a bigger collecting day was planned. Cllr Scoble stated that the matter was in hand and he would chase up the contractor to put the bins in place.
Cllr Burlton also asked about the progress with regard to the poor state of the path between Trelawney Estate and Church Road. Cornwall Cllr Maddern informed the meeting that ownership of the land was still in dispute and he planned a meeting with PHA in an effort to establish responsibility.
9. Comments from Cornwall Councillors
Cllr Maddern informed members that speeding checks had been carried out in Newbridge and the results of the checks were being studied. He would then hold a meeting with Highways representatives and Police Traffic Management Officers.
Cllr Jenkin pointed out that the speeding problems on the Penzance/St Just road affected more than Newbridge village. Cars were parking on the verge at Tremethwick Cross on this road which obstructed the vision of drivers coming from the side roads. This added to the dangers of speeding traffic along the Penzance/St Just road at this point. Cornwall Cllr Maddern agreed to pursue this problem.
Cornwall Cllr Maddern then asked about the poles sticking up on the path at the rear of Vingoes Lane and Cllr Bates agreed to deal with this.
10. Planning
PA13/06563 – erection of a 24m x 9m poly-tunnel for housing of livestock at Bone Farm, Heamoor – supported
PA13/05997 – retention of barn to include stables. Barn size in total will be 10.8m x10.2m covering 110.16m2. – total height (highest point) 3.8m, at Aboret New Mill – supported.
PA13/07231 -installation of a single Endurance E-3120 (50kw) wind turbine on a 24.6 hub height tower, 34.2m to blade tip, to provide renewable energy to the dairy farm at Rosemorron Farm, Gulval (Cllrs Bone and Phillips declared interests and left the room)
Clerk reported that he has received a detailed letter of objection and this has been circulated to councillors by email and a copy attached to the planning application. He added that if councillors did object they could consider recommending a site visit and the matter being referred to Planning Committee.
Councillors unanimously recommended that this was an AONB and the turbine would be visible throughout the area. It would also have a detrimental effect on wildlife. The applicant makes no mention of the Cornwall Plan which states that turbines should only be approved in AONBs in exceptional circumstances and this was not the case here. A site visit is recommended and a request that the matter be referred to Planning Committee – solar panels would be more appropriate.
PA13/07648 – retention of two poly-tunnels at Slight Hill, Heamoor – this council feels that this application is short of facts and should also be referred to the County Land Agent concerning viability.
PA13/04023 – erection of an agricultural barn at Gweal Cranken, Gear Hill, New Mill – prior approval not required.
PA13/06124- lawful development certificate for use of the remainder of outbuilding as ancillary accommodation at The Old Stables, Mulfra – refused.
PA13/04178 – two storey side extension to Pendragon, New Mill – approved
Other Planning Matters
Cornwall Council – a Neighbourhood Planning Session will be held from 6pm to 9pm on 2nd October at the Committee Room, Camborne One Stop Shop, Dolcoath Avenue, Camborne. Cllr Tanner agreed to attend this session.
Cornwall Council report that an appeal is being made in relation to the refusal of permission for the construction of a two-storey pitched roof single family dwelling on land south of 1 Badgers Cross, Gulval. The appeal will be in the form of written statements to be decided by the Planning Inspector and any previous comments will be considered. Clerk reminded councillors that in November 2012 this council objected to the application PA12/09735 as it was felt that this was out of character with the surrounding area
Planning Enforcement EN13/0138 relates to an alleged construction of a poly-tunnel on land off Demelza Farm, New Mill.
Planning Enforcement EN12/02601 is now closed as the breach has been resolved in relation to a caravan sited on land adjacent to Chysauster Ancient Village for residential purpose.
Chairman introduced Zoë Macaden who is the liaison officer for this council with Cornwall Council Planning Department. Ms Macaden informed members that she was available at Penzance if they needed any advice or assistance with planning matters. In answer to a question from Cllr Bone she explained that the need for planning approval for poly-tunnels depended on the size of the tunnel, whether the structure is temporary and if it is in an AONB.
The chairman thanked Ms Macaden for attending the meeting and for the advice she had given to members and the clerk at various times..
11. Public Rights of Way
Clerk reported that the gold paths are due for their second cut during September.
He has also received an agenda for a meeting of the Penwith Access and Rights of Way Forum to be held at 7pm on 18th September at Committee Room 1 at St Clare and this has been forwarded to Cllrs Tanner and Burlton as Public Rights of Way Councillors. Both councillors agreed to represent this council at this meeting.
12. Clerk’s Report and Correspondence
Clerk reported that all instructions had ben completed from the last meeting.
Clerk has circulated by email to members a request from Cornwall Council for information relating to higher diesel or fuel prices to enable them to lobby for fuel discount in Cornwall similar to the Scottish Islands. Returns were to be made by 4th September and so this was left to individual councillors to respond if they had any evidence of higher than average pricing.
Rural Services Network are attempting to obtain fairer government funding for rural areas and have raised a petition. Details have been circulated to members by email.
Clerk intends to be away from his office from 11th to 21st September. At this stage this is provisional but members will be emailed with details when they are confirmed.
Cornwall Council is holding a Budget Consultation evening at 6.30pm on Thursday 19th September at St Johns Hall, Penzance.as a further £24 million will have to be saved in 2014/2015. This is a public meeting and details have been forward to councillors by email. Cllr Pritchard agreed to attend.
Clerk has circulated to members by email details of products from Norfolk China commemorating the birth of HRH Prince George of Cambridge – noted
Cornwall Council is holding their second Annual Town and Parish Summit which will be held at the Exhibition Hall at Kingsley Village from 9.30am on Saturday 21st September. An extensive agenda covering neighbourhood planning, emergency planning and budgets have been circulated to councillors by email and there will be opportunities for councillors to meet and discuss items with cabinet members. Cllr Pritchard agreed to attend.
The next West Penwith Town and Parish Forum will be held on 10th October and the agenda has been circulated to members by email.
Clerk reported that arrangements for Trafalgar Sunday are on course and formal invitations are ready for posting. More detail will be given at the next meeting.
Clerk has received the copies of the new edition of The Good Councillors Guide as reported at the last meeting and these have been distributed to councillors present at this meeting. Payment for these books is included in the finance section of this agenda.
Kernow Clinical Commissioning Group – details of consultation process regarding future of Poltair Hospital (forwarded to councillors by email). A workshop will be held at Penzance One Stop Shop from 9.30am on Wednesday 25th September 2013 and will last for most of the day. One only representative is required to attend from each stakeholder. Cllr Jenkin agreed to present the views of this council.
Cornwall Council are holding a meeting in conjunction with the Environment Agency relating to the benefits of producing an emergency plan which can cover items such as flooding, heat waves, water pollution, snow, etc. This will be held at Penwith College from 7pm to 9pm on Wednesday 23rd October. Details of the aims and objectives of the meeting have been circulated to councillors by email – noted
Cornwall Community Flood Forum’s second conference will be held at St Austell One Stop Shop from 9.30am to 3.30pm on Thursday 10th October – noted
Dementia Alliance are holding a meeting at 5pm on 3rd October – if any councillors are interested in attending clerk will find more details
The line marking on The Green has now been completed and clerk has received an email from the Head of St Maddern School thanking this council for arranging and paying for this work to be done which will ensure the safety of the children.
13. Code of Conduct
Cllr Jenkin reported that the code had been adopted by most councils in Cornwall, including this council. It was agreed that no additional comments were required to the published code.
14. To Appoint a Temporary Chairman for October and November Meetings
The Chairman will be absent from 23rd September to 13th November and due to sickness the vice-chairman will also be unavailable during this period. A temporary chairman will be required to act in this role for two meetings and also the Trafalgar celebrations. Clerk informed the meeting that it was his view that it would be advisable to appoint a temporary chairman at this stage so that the matter was resolved. Cllr Mann had emailed the clerk to say that he felt that the chairman should be elected by members present at each meeting at the start of the meetings but clerk felt that by electing a temporary chairman at this stage it would avoid any complications which could arise by leaving it to the actual meetings to be chaired. The meeting unanimously agreed to elect a temporary chairman at this stage. It was proposed by Cllr Scoble, seconded by Cllr Jenkin and unanimously agreed that Cllr Matthews be requested to act as temporary chairman and Cllr Matthews agreed to this.
In the absence of the chairman Cllr Bates agreed to lay the wreath at War Memorial at Remembrance Sunday. Clerk to make the necessary arrangements for the wreath
15. Madron Parish Council Website
Cllr Scoble reported that he had experienced some problems, particularly with inserting the details of councillors. However the matter was now resolved but it has been necessary to omit some detail. The agendas and minutes are not affected.
16. Aggregates Levy (Funding from Cornwall Council)
Clerk reported that he has been in contact with Cllr Mann who tells him that in spite of promises made to him he has been unable to obtain details of funding, if any, from Castle an Dinas Quarry in lieu of the quarry being part situated in this parish with the inconvenience of lorries and other environmental problems to residents. Cllr Tanner also pointed out that a bridleway has had to be closed due to quarry workings.
Clerk has received one request to date for funding assistance from this source and this was from St Maddern School for a nursery play area with astra-turf and drainage to encourage the children to take advantage of the nursery scheme. Three estimates have been received by the school and the most satisfactory one amounts to a sum in the region of £1590 (Cllrs Jenkin, Bone and Scoble declared interests but were allowed to stay in the room to explain the project and answer any questions but having done this left the room while the matter was discussed). After discussion it was proposed by Cllr Burlton, seconded by Cllr Tanner and unanimously agreed that the council will agree to fund the nursery play area from its own finances and should aggregates levy funding become available it will be advertised for any other projects in the parish to have the opportunity to take advantage of this funding.
17. Finance
It was proposed by Cllr Matthews, seconded by Cllr Bone and unanimously agreed that the following accounts be paid: –
W.E. Wilkins, clerk – salary (includes new national rate for clerks and back pay to 1st April 2013) £563.40, office allowance £30.00, mileage £29.70, Trafalgar mileage £23.85, petty cash (includes £6.73 for Trafalgar) £19.38; HMRC – PAYE and Nat Ins £149.75; Cllr Pritchard – mileage and parking at Chairmanship Training in Redruth £21.80; Micky Pearce, blacksmith and agricultural engineer – refurbishment, replacement and removal of notice boards £1235.27; Cornwall Association of Local Councils for 14 copies of The Good Councillors Guide including postage and packing £39.20
A request for a donation has been received from Cruse Bereavement Care and it was agreed to defer this to the last meeting of the financial year in accordance with policy.
Clerk reported that he had received a notification that the second part of the precept which amounts to £11505.94 will be paid within the next few days.
18. Time and Date of Next Meeting
7.30pm Thursday 3rd October 2013 at Trythall CP School.